Quick Tip:
Products that are “Unavailable for your flight", are usually unavailable as your flight is NOT within minimum buying window. Please select other flight to shop

What is the Laneway?

The Laneway is Melbourne Airport’s marketplace platform which allows you to shop online and purchase goods (via a ‘Click and Collect’ service) from participating retailers located at Melbourne Airport (each, a Vendor).

Note that the Laneway is an online platform which is designed to facilitate the sale and fulfilment of goods between you and a Vendor.  Any agreement to purchase goods is between you and a Vendor, and Melbourne Airport is not a party to, or in any way responsible for, such agreement.

At this stage, goods may be purchased via the Laneway by persons who are travelling internationally from / to Melbourne Airport.

Please note that access to and use of the Laneway is subject to the Laneway terms of use.

Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions