Quick Tip:
Products that are “Unavailable for your flight", are usually unavailable as your flight is NOT within minimum buying window. Please select other flight to shop

Flight Details

Why do I need to apply my flight details?
Laneway requires your flight details so it can ensure that your order is ready and waiting for you to pick up before your flight departure from / arrival to Melbourne Airport as well as confirm that you are eligible to purchase duty free items.
Why isn't Laneway recognising my flight number?
Sometimes, your flight may not be recognised if it is a chartered flight or code share flight.If you have purchased Lotte Duty Free goods and your flight number is not being recognised, please get in touch with enquiries@lottedutyfree.com.au so they can assist. Please note also that in order for your flight number to be recognised, you must be travelling internationally from / to Melbourne Airport. You will not be considered to be travelling internationally from / to Melbourne Airport if you transfer through another airport in another Australian capital city.
My flight details have changed, what should I do?
If you have purchased Lotte Duty Free goods, please contact enquiries@lottedutyfree.com.au
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