Quick Tip:
Products that are “Unavailable for your flight", are usually unavailable as your flight is NOT within minimum buying window. Please select other flight to shop

My items are faulty. What do I do?

You must contact the relevant Vendor for assistance.  

Where you have purchased Lotte Duty Free goods and consider they are faulty, please contact enquiries@lottedutyfree.com.au 

Alternatively the Manager of the location to which you purchased the item(s) will gladly assist in resolving your concern. 

As a consumer, you have the benefit of certain non-excludable guarantees, including that goods are of an acceptable quality, fit for purpose and match the description given of them.  If something goes wrong with a good you have purchased, the relevant Vendor will be responsible for providing you with a remedy, such as repair, replacement or refund.  

Your goods may also come with certain warranties which are separate to and do not replace consumer guarantees.  Information about relevant warranties will be included with the relevant good(s). 

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