Quick Tip:
Products that are “Unavailable for your flight", are usually unavailable as your flight is NOT within minimum buying window. Please select other flight to shop

How can I contact Laneway?

If you have any question relating to the Laneway (including any problems you experience using the Laneway), please contact our Customer Service team at enquiries@lottedutyfree.com.au

 who will assist you with your enquiry. Note that if you submit a question on Monday to Friday, the Customer Service team will generally respond to your question within a period of 24 hours.  For questions submitted on the weekend, the Customer Service team will endeavour to respond on the next business day.

If you have a question regarding:

  • the goods that you have purchased or intend to purchase;
  • your collection of the goods; or
  • exchange, refund or return of the goods,

you should contact the relevant Vendor.

Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions